Learning and Progression

Being in Distinguished Young Women has taught me many things.

1) I don't desire to be a "Barbie".

2) In order to be a well-rounded person, you must accept mediocrity. I may never be the BEST. But I am capable. I am enough.

3) Being yourself is better than being the best. :D

Now, on a completely different and random note, I'm at a loss.

Lately, I feel as if my life were on a standstill. Yes, I do all the things that I need to do. I read my scriptures, I go to church, I pray when I think about it. I haven't been to the temple in, like, 6 months, and my prayers are becoming less and less meaningful. I've been trying to work on this.

My little sister just recently got her YW Medallion. That's right. She beat me to it. But the sad thing is, it hasn't really phased me. At first I was just bummed because I still have to do it. But now I'm just going back to not caring.

I have a problem. I avoid making goals. And I can't say it's because I hate making them. That's not true. I've always been a goal-setter. But I can't say I've been a goal-follow-througher. I avoid them because I don't want to fail. So if I never make the goal, I am not failing, right?


Personal Progress is a program inspired, given to us by God to prepare Young Women to be mothers, and wives, and endowed members of the church. Goals are a part of his plan. I already chose his plan. I must get past this.

I decided a few days ago, as I was reading Preach My Gospel, that I am going to start making goals. But, only one at a time. :D I can do that.

Because in order to be perfect, and like Him, I must learn and do. And in order to do that, I must make the goal. I can do it.

So my goal for this month:
I am trying SO hard to not gossip. :D Please help me. It's a problem of mine. (Among many.)

Thanks for letting me rant. I'm done now.


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