A New Love

Recently, this year, I've got to participate in two plays. The first one, with the high school, was Once Upon a Mattress. It was the story of the Princess and the Pea. It was so fun. It was a musical, and I played a lady in waiting. I was just in the chorus, but it was so much fun. Then, with the Jr. High, I was the lead in Alienated. I played Cammie. It was just a silly one-act play, but I had so much fun and I made a lot of new friends.

Ever since I was little, I've always wanted to be in plays. This year my dreams have come true. I love it! It is so fun! This May, I have the wonderful opportunity to audition for Hairspray for IFYAC (Idaho Falls Youth Art Council) I am super excited and hope I get to! Wish me luck! Life is worthwhile when you're doing something you love!


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