Competition and Mediocrity


I've always been a competitive person.

Let's just say that's not the wisest thing in the world.

I sometimes feel like I have to one-up everyone. Sometimes I even get jealous because someone else one-ups me. Even my best friend.

And when I'm just average, I feel like I've failed. But I haven't. What's wrong with me?

Sometimes I just want something that I am the BEST at. I don't necessarily want to brag about it. But I want it to be known. I am mediocre at a lot of things.

I had a YW leader that once said that being mediocre is good. When you're mediocre you're on the right track to perfection. Isn't that what we're all shooting for? So why waste our time being jealous when we can be mediocre at lots of things? We all have the same goal, so why can't we work together, instead of against each other?


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