Euphoria vs. Peace

You know that feeling, when you're on stage and the crowd is cheering and all you're thinking is, "I want to do this for the rest of my life! This is awesome! I feel great!" You know it. You've all experienced it. It's like you're on a high...which in a way, you are. But it's a little more healthy, when controlled. You're so happy you could shout it to the rooftops.

On a more serious note, you know the feeling of peace. You know you do. The day you were baptized. A day in church where you really felt the spirit. A time in seminary where you were just so happy you would do anything to live righteously. You would do anything to live with our Father in Heaven. You would do anything to be with your family forever. Anything.

Don't mistake euphoria for peace. Yes, euphoria is awesome and you are happy. Euphoria goes away. Peace, if you're living right, doesn't. Just because you're feeling euphoric doesn't mean it's right. It doesn't mean it's good. It's doesn't mean the spirit is speaking to you. Euphoria, just like a high on drugs or alcohol, dies off and has to be replenished. You have to keep doing that thing to feel that way.

Learn to control your feelings. Learn to discern right from wrong. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS MAKE GOOD DECISIONS. PLEASE. Live how you were taught. Your parents knows what they are talking about. Be grateful. Be happy. Have fun. But live right. You know if something is not right. You were given that special gift when you became a member of this glorious church: The Holy Ghost. Listen to it. Obey the commandments. Love your families. Protect them. Read your scriptures every day. Pray always. D&C 10:5 says, "Prays always that ye may conquer Satan..." Conquer Satan. Pick good friends. I learned in YW that Satan cannot mimic peace. He can mimic so many different emotions, but NOT PEACE.

I love you all and we all need to be united for good. Let's influence others for good! LIVE RIGHT! Please, oh, right. Let's all live right so that we may be reunited with our Heavenly Father and have cause to feel joy. Let's not feel his wrath. Let's feel his love.


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