Lean on Me

I read an entire 278 page book today. I don't know why I loved it so much. It was by Jack Weyland. Jack Weyland is an LDS author, and I usually love his novels, but this time I related a ton to this book.

I know this book looks cheesy, but it really got me thinking. Here's the story:

What do you get when you take two girls and three guys with great voices and lively personalities and combine them with some good old songs like “Boardwalk” and “Stand by Me”? In Rexburg, Idaho, it all adds up to Fast Forward, the a cappella group that features lead singer Amber Whittaker, and the strong, supportive bass, Greg Foster. Best friends Amber and Greg exchange advice on everything best friends can—dating, music, friends, etc. In Jack Weyland’s new novel, Lean on Me, Greg finds himself falling for Amber, who thinks of him only as a buddy. The best-selling author recounts the story of their relationship as they mature, perform in a popular musical group, and learn to cope with the changing dynamics in their relationship. Written in Jack Weyland’s breezy and entertaining style, the novel moves quickly through time, progressing to the months following Greg’s mission. Still in love with Amber, Greg finally reveals his feelings to her with an engagement ring, but she thinks it’s a joke. Everything that follows is a delight in both humorous and poignant ways. Jack Weyland chalks up another winner with this lively story of young love.

Well...I don't mean to ruin the ending, but Greg and Amber end up getting married. They've been best friends since forever, but Greg was confused because Amber had been previously engaged and so he dated her little sister. But everytime he was with her little sister, he was reminded of Amber. Amber finally agreed to marry him, because they could tell each other anything, and she couldn't open up to anyone like she could him.

I know this a big jumble...and you guys probably don't even care, but it got me thinking...I know I'm only 15...and I still have a while, but when I'm older and searching for that person...I want to marry my best friend. I really do. No secrets...at all. I want him to see me at my worst, and I want to see him at his worst. I don't want to get married and and then be surprised with all these bad habits.

I know I haven't really started high school yet, and I'm not 16 (only 8 more months!!! :)) yet...but when I start dating...I want to be able to be myself. I don't want to have to change myself to impress somebody. High school probably doesn't have my soul mate, but I know He's out there somewhere! I wonder if he ever thinks about me? Eh...probably a girl thing.

Sorry to be so random! Thanks for reading, and tell me what you think!



  1. Too cute. I love love love this post. And i'm sure that your future husband is out there thinking about you!!!


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