For the Love...

I LOVE Sundays. Why don't they come around more often?

Today in sacrament meeting, I learned that it's just as important WHY you do something as it is to DO SOMETHING.

Last Sunday I made a goal for myself to do one thing every day that shows the Lord I love Him. I love goals like this because 1) it is attainable! I can do one thing every day. 2) It's just for a week. It's not an overwhelming task. 3) I try to live my life for the Lord anyway; this just helps me make a conscious effort to do things for HIM.

So this week was amazing, to say the least. I by no means was perfect and I most definitely am not getting translated any time soon. However, I could feel His love in more abundance this week, and I wasn't so overwhelmed with all the things I needed to get done. I just served Him and I was HAPPY!

This week I served my family, attended the temple, did family history, prayed with real intent, and studied my scriptures more purposefully.

I think at the end of this life, we won't be asked what we did to help the orphans in Ecuador, solve world hunger, or promote world peace (although those are all GREAT things.) I think God's greatest concern, and the place where we can have the most impact, is in our own homes. If we can serve in our homes and communities, not merely out of duty or because we were asked to do so, but because of the LOVE we have for our families, friends, and God, we are doing the whole nation - no, the whole WORLD a huge favor.

We don't need to be millionaires or famous to benefit those around us. Money can build, but it can also destroy. Fame can be a light to the nations, or it can be a mist of darkness. Titles, awards, and recognition can promote hard work, or it can promote pride. No, we don't need an inventor, a songwriter, a doctor, a lawyer- we need ordinary people who love the Lord, and thus, do EXTRAORDINARY things. We just have to give of our time, talents, and especially LOVE in order to build the Kingdom of God. We can't do it without help. We need ALL of our brothers and sisters. This is why missionaries go all throughout the world - so we can benefit from EVERY member's contribution to God's Kingdom. God is no respecter of persons. He does love Americans more than Russians. He does not love Utah Mormons more than East Coast Mormons. In fact, He doesn't even love Mormons more than any other faith. He does not love believers over non-believers, Christians over non-Christians, and good guys over bad guys. He loves us all - and all that He asks us to do is LOVE EVERYONE.

This is what I learned on a Sunday. I learned the importance of LOVE in everything that I do. I learned that the happiest we will ever be is when we put the Lord first, and serve Him with all our HEARTS.

And this is why (I hope) I do the things I do.

For the Love.


  1. Marci, you are awesome!! Thanks for your great example of Christlike love and service! I can't wait to see you in a couple or weeks!!


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