
2015 is already proving to be a very different year. 2014 was exciting and full of lots of surprises - performing as the witch in Into the Woods, graduating from high school, getting a niece, having my last voice recital, going to my first semester of college, watching my friends put in their mission papers and open their calls, taking my first real life college finals, moving away from home, and living with my best friends. One thing that made all this change bearable- was having all of my friends and family near me.

2015 is different. I have all of my best friends leaving within the next two months. I'm currently starting my second semester with roommates that I don't know and standards that aren't quite up to par. This year will be the year that I get out of my comfort zone and really learn a lot about myself. Perhaps my difficult roommates will prove to be a missionary experience. Maybe I'll learn to be bold while still being kind. Perhaps I will have to branch out and make new friends because all of my friends are leaving.

It is only the 4th day of 2015, and I've already learned to appreciate the little things in life. To appreciate these last days I have with my best friends. To appreciate every single person and recognize that they are children of God. To strengthen my testimony by doing the small and simple things. To appreciate my mom's hugs when I get them. To appreciate the great family and upbringing that I have. To appreciate this wonderful university that I have the privilege of attending - to learn through the Spirit and to feel it often. To be kind even when you just want to put someone in their place. To love even when it is difficult.

Today being fast Sunday, I fasted to have help picking a new years resolution. I'm not normally one to have resolutions, because I choose to not disappoint myself. But goals are important and I know I need them in order to improve. However, I am only going to pick one so that I don't become overwhelmed. Today was a great Sunday filled with lots of personal truth and testimony strengthened and the Spirit being felt. But this evening I got a father's blessing from my dad. In this blessing he promised me a lot of things, but one thing that stood out to me was his advice to always listen. So, as a resolution to align my will with His, I am going to listen. 2015 is a year for listening.

I am going to take time to listen every single day. I am going to listen when others need to be heard. I am going to listen when my body says it is time to take better care of it. I am going to listen when I am prompted. I am going to listen when others confide in me. I am going to do less talking, less waiting, and more serving, listening, and pondering.

2015 is a year of change - and I am going to make it a mighty change!


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