Disciple Training Center

I sit here tonight in my first ever apartment. Riviera apartment number 8. Bedroom behind the bathroom. My roommate, Rachel, has gone home for conference weekend and I get to lie here and think about my ambitions, dreams, goals, and desires. Not only that, but I get to think about how blessed I am to be here at the Lord's University.

Upon arrival here at BYU-Idaho, I have been reminded over and over again why it is that I am here. A year ago I never would have let myself come here - I wanted to break the mold and do something no one had ever done before! I wanted to make a name for myself- do exotic things, with exotic people, at exotic places.

My goal upon arrival was this: I am going to get my associate's degree here, serve a mission, and then transfer to Utah State to get my bachelor's degree in Music Therapy. And then perhaps go on for a master's degree.

The first two days of my stay here in Rexburg consisted of those dreams diminishing and new ones arriving. BYU-Idaho is built upon a legacy of service, joy, and discipleship. I am here at a disciple training center to better myself to build the Lord's kingdom. My personal impressions and revelation has not been to find a professional career that is compatible to my needs and wants. My inspiration has been to pick a major that can help prepare me to become a mother. My ambitions are no longer to save the world by profession - my ambitions are to save the world through family.

Every time I think about the future, I think about family. My patriarchal blessing talks about family a lot. And the more I think about it, the more excited I become. When I don't have to think about anything, I think about my family. My perfect dad, and my saintly mom. My skilled brothers, and goofy sisters, and my adorable nieces and nephews who I love dearly. I am not here to get a career. The Lord does not want me to have a career. He expects me to become educated, but I honestly believe that I will not have to provide income for my future family, and if I do, my education can and will back me up. I am at the Lord's University - a Disciple Training Center - to embrace my womanhood, and to prepare for my future family.

It's crazy to think that merely months ago, I was preparing for completely different things. A year ago, I had no idea what I was doing and I relied on a giant leap of faith to trust that my dad, and more importantly, my Father in Heaven, knew what He was talking about. But if you align your will with His, your ambitions change, and you're much, much happier.

I love this school with all of my heart and know that I am doing the right thing. I am no where close to prepared for the future, but I know I can rely on Him.

For conference this weekend, I came with a question. The question was "what am I supposed to be focused on right now in order for me to be happy?" I ask this question because it's hard to understand revelation sometimes - and if I have a goal to work towards, I'm much less stressed out. And though I came away from conference knowing that I could do many things differently, I narrowed it down to one thing that Heavenly Father wants me, Marci Nelson, to do right now.

Serve. I have never been very good at it. "Yes, Lord. I will follow thee. I may not be my brother's keeper, but I am my brother's brother. Because I have been given much, I too, must give." There have been times in my life when I look at certain individuals whom I barely even know and I feel a deep, profound, Christ-like love for them. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it is the happiest feeling in the world. I love feeling of My Savior's Love - especially towards others. I've learned recently that service is not only a great way to show love, but it's a great way to feel love. If I can feel that much love for a complete stranger, imagine how much love I can feel for my friends, siblings, parents, family, or my future children. The Lord is preparing me, through service, to be a mom. A mommy to adorable children whom I already love and adore. Of all the callings one can have in this life - chief, President, Senator, Bishop, Stake President, or Captain, the greatest title is Mother.

I can hardly wait. And I am at the perfect place to train to be the best mom ever!


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