A Shout Out
To My Mother This woman... Loves purple Plays the drums, and is DANG good at it, too! Is a good dancer Has a smile that can light up a room Loves everyone Has a hug that can heal This woman... Started it all. She brought me into this world, and teaches me how to be the best me I can possibly be. She is the one who gave me my love for singing, dancing, and laughing. Some of my best memories include my mommy. I will forever be in her debt for loving me unconditionally, no matter what. She supports me in absolutely everything I want to do. She is the most forgiving person, and someone I hope to be like one day. She is so close to the spirit and she brings me so much joy. She has never said a mean or unkind thing to anyone, nor has she allowed anything negative to come out of her mouth. My mom has a gift. A gift to love everyone. She honestly has never said an unkind thing in her life. And she is amazing. She knows how to make a gloomy day...