A Shout Out

To My Mother

This woman...
  • Loves purple
  • Plays the drums, and is DANG good at it, too! 
  • Is a good dancer
  • Has a smile that can light up a room
  • Loves everyone
  • Has a hug that can heal

This woman...

Started it all. She brought me into this world, and teaches me how to be the best me I can possibly be. She is the one who gave me my love for singing, dancing, and laughing. Some of my best memories include my mommy. 

I will forever be in her debt for loving me unconditionally, no matter what. She supports me in absolutely everything I want to do.  She is the most forgiving person, and someone I hope to be like one day. She is so close to the spirit and she brings me so much joy. She has never said a mean or unkind thing to anyone, nor has she allowed anything negative to come out of her mouth. My mom has a gift. A gift to love everyone. She honestly has never said an unkind thing in her life. And she is amazing. She knows how to make a gloomy day seem brighter. 

I remember once when I was on a trip once, I wasn't having a very good time and I was really homesick. The people were not welcoming and I hated how I felt on that trip. And the only thing that kept me going all trip long, was that I could go home and hug my mom. All I wanted that whole week was a hug from my mom. That's it. And just imagining that feeling brought me peace. 

And that's what my mother does. She brings peace. She brings joy. She brings color. She brings love. She brings laughter. She brings happiness.

And I love her deeply.

Thanks, Mom, for everything you do for me! I love you forever! 


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