How My Goals Are Workin' For Me

Alright, alright. I's only the 5th day of the month. But I have to tell you...I never imagined how wonderful setting time aside to pray, read my scriptures, and write in my journal would be. And I even do it at night before I go to sleep. But for some reason, doing all these things before I sleep is very refreshing and allows me to sleep better. I get to learn something from the scriptures EVERYDAY and then I get to share it with my posterity! How cool is that? I also have been given this 20-day Journal Challenge that has questions for you to write about everyday. It allows me to think and ponder on my life and what I want to do with it. I almost look forward to doing this everyday. I hope I can always have this habit in my life. It's WONDERFUL. Feeling closer to the spirit is wonderful, no? YES! I cherish every lesson I learn every night.

I must admit, though. I struggle with praying in the morning. But whether it be in the morning or the afternoon, I get it done. I've been out of the habit for so long that I will do anything to feel that closeness to my Heavenly Father.

Ooh, and I have to tell you what happened to me. Just kinda made me feel good. So to preface it: I don't like wearing makeup. In fact, I hardly do in the summer time. So last Sunday, it was fast and testimony meeting. And I went up to bear my testimony. And my friend Kelsey, who just barely moved into my ward, said that her brother turned to her and said, "You should be friends with her. She's cute." Baha. Made me giggle. But I'm telling you this to let you know that YOU DON'T HAVE TO WEAR MAKEUP TO IMPRESS BOYS. Just sayin'. In fact, you don't have to do anything different to impress anyone at all. Just be yourself. If there's one thing I learned my sophomore year, it was to be myself and not care what other people think. Because it's true. Just be the amazing person that you are. :)

So, anyways, this is how I get closer to the spirit. How do you guys allow for the spirit to bless your lives? Comment, and tell me! :) (Please.)


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