
Lately I've been a little overwhelmed. In fact, you might say discouraged. Why, you may ask? Well...because of hormones, that's why. No, but in all seriousness...I'm a good person, yes. But...often I think: am I doing everything that is required of me? Am I not only doing the basics, but going above and beyond? Do I have a balance of physical, spiritual, mental, and social health to keep me happy?

I've struggled mostly with the physical aspect of things. You see, I hate to exercise. I HATE it. Unless it's some kind of dance, I struggle with getting the motivation to get up and move.

When I grow up and have a family of my own, I still want to be able to be comfortable in my skin and love my body. I don't want to be obsessed with being skinny. I just want to be healthy. I want to be able to walk long distances without getting tired. I just want to be capable, in all honesty.

One of my favorite things is dressing up and wearing cute clothes. I want to be able to always do that. I don't want to be that grouchy, frumpy old woman, who wears sweats and muumuus everyday.

But...if I hate exercising, how am I ever going to be fit enough to be my skinny self, my whole life? Because it's in my genetics. We're genetically bigger people. So how do I always stay thin? Does anyone have any suggestions or workout ideas for someone who despises exercising? Any fitness plans that have worked for you? Thanks!


  1. Marci! :) I struggle with the same thing you do but if I don't excercise and get as fit as possible I can't have kids :( I've found that you are always going to hate excersising if you aren't doing something that you love :) You said you love to dance..have you ever tried Zumba? I never worked out because I hated it and Zumba got me started! There are classes a couple times a week in Rigby, video's on Youtube,and DVD'S you can by :) There are endless possiblilities and I know you can do it :) I think you are beautiful and shouldn't be worried at all but I know how it feels to be plagued by genetics and its not fun, but you are always in control. I love you bunches and if there is anything else I can do or any questions you have I would love to help!!

  2. Oh and I'm not sure about the "Reply" option? I think I just played with stuff haha I'll look around and if I find out how I'll let you know :-)

  3. Morgan, I've actually thought about that. I have done Zumba-it's tons of fun! Where can I buy the DVDs? How much do the classes cost? Thanks, Morgan! And im so sorry! Good for you to always have a good attitude! Love you much! Thanks!


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