Life is Changing...OH NO!

I haven't posted in a while. Sorry 'bout that. I get so many good ideas, and then I just don't. I'm lazy. Deal with it. :) Plus, for some weird reason I can't get my camera to upload any pictures. LAME-O! Anyways, I just decided to give you an update on my life. Since it's so fan-freakin-tastic. (Not! Well, it's not that it's not. It's just that it isn't exciting. But, I don't know...that could change, right?)

I've been having a rough time lately with change. My best friend, Sheldon, is leaving to go to college on...Thursday. Yikes. I don't know if I can handle high school without him. He has always been there and always been a constant. He's probably the only person outside of my family that I can be myself around. He is such a good example to me, and I fear I'll never see him again. He turns 19 in December, so then he'll be off on a mission. Oh, man. I didn't even cry this hard when my siblings left for missions. Pathetic, right? I don't know what to do, what to think. I feel like I need to thank him but at the same time...words can't thank him enough. I'm gonna get him a going away present, so maybe I can let him know then. Maybe? I don't know.

So today we were in Rigby and we were gonna get a sno-cone, right? Well...the lines were so bleeping long, (BOTH PLACES, mind you!) that we just went home and didn't get one. Crazy, right? My mom promised us hopefully we'll still get one.

I'm so excited for Junior Year. Almost to the point that I just want it to be here right now. But yet I'm dreading it, too. But it'll be so much fun. I can't wait.

I'm trying to pick my song for Jr. Miss (Distinguished Young Women). It's harder than it looks, people! You have to get the perfect song that reflects your talent as well as your true self. Tough stuff, I'm tellin' ya.

I cut my foot with a piece of glass today. I went to the garage to get a jar of jam, and a jar fell out and the glass broke...and apparently a piece rubbed up against my foot? I don't know how it happened, because I was wearing crocs and my foot got injured on the non-wholey part. (It's not a word, I know.) So I don't know how that happened.

I've finally had time to read again. I love it. Just time to sit down on your couch, and travel. :)

That's all for now, folks! See ya soon!


  1. Tee...hee...I loved reading your thoughts in this post. So refreshingly honest and real! =)
    Kristina J.

  2. wow, I can't believe you actually commented on my blog! Dream come true. Thank much!

  3. Ugh.
    My best friend in the whole world just left on his mission.
    I feel for ya.
    Well kinda. He did go to USU with me for the first year. But I think it'll be easier when Sheldon goes on his mission, cause you know that he's serving the Lord and all that good stuff. I've just had to remember that we'll always be best friends and nothing can change that.
    It's hard though.
    Also, I know you posted this forever ago. But. It just made me go "AH! I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!"

  4. Kaitlin,
    Thank you so so much! It was hard for the first little bit, before he had even left! Haha I'm such a pansy. But I know that no matter what, even if I don't see him ever again, he made a difference in my life and I will forever be changed for the better. I'll miss him, but I'm so grateful for the memories we made. :) but thanks, again. This means so much.


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