My Best Friend

As I look back on my life, I remember lots of people. I've always been surrounded by people who love and care about me. I've had lots of friends, some I still have, even to this day. Some I just made. Some are moving on to the next stage of their life while I stay here in high school. But as I remember all of the good times and the bad, I wouldn't change a thing. Sure, I'd change some unkind words, or wish I did some things differently, but I've learned from all of those mistakes. I've learned that I'm stronger that I ever imagined. I've learned that friends come and go, but family is constant. I've learned that everything happens for a reason.

Throughout my life I've had people that I've considered my "best friend". And now, as I am sitting here, they aren't my "best friend" like we thought we would be. I often wonder, "Why? What happened? What changed that made us drift apart?" but now, I realize that sometimes things fall apart so that other things can fall together. There's people in my life that I hope will always be a part of me. People that I will always remember, and that will always have an impact on me, but not necessarily see. As people come in and out of my life, I realize that things also come in and out of my heart. I realize what's important and what attributes I want in a friend, as well as things that I need to work on in order to be that kind of friend back.

Today was the first day without the seniors. This was hard for me. I've shed many tears and reminisced on all the good times. Sometimes I'm afraid of the future. Sometimes I wonder how I'll ever survive the next two years of high school without them. But then I remember the things that I've always been taught. If I live the gospel and allow the atonement to bless my life, I have no reason to fear. I don't have to be afraid that I'll wind up alone. I don't have to be afraid of anything. I have the greatest blessing and friend in my life that I could ever ask for. The gospel is there for my benefit, and the Savior's already atoned for my sins, as well as my sorrows and fears, so I. don't. have. to. be. afraid. And I will be forever grateful.


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