A "Magical" Moment

Since my blog is called "Marci's Magical Moments" I decided to document some "magical" moments in my life. This weekend I got the chance to go to EFY. I showed up with a bad attitude, not because I hate EFY, or for any reason - I was just unhappy. Probably the adversary's way of saying, "you don't want the gospel to actually make you happy." Well, tough cookies, Satan! Although my happiness didn't come until Sunday, I realized that "men are that they might have joy".

Today was fast Sunday in my ward. And I don't know why, but for some reason, I am always very strongly prompted to bear my testimony. Every time the chance is given, the Spirit tells me to get up. I think it's for my benefit, if anything. And it's funny. Some day I am told what I need to testify of. Other days I figure it out as I am speaking, and others I just ramble until I finally sit down.

Well, today, the Holy Ghost gave me a very special gift. He gave me the gift of gratitude, and the gift of love. As I was trembling in my seat, I was given an immense love for all of my family. I was given an immense love to all of my friends. I was given an immense love for all of my teachers through the years. As I stood up to go bear my testimony, I knew exactly what I was going to say.
This week I'm leaving for Coeur d' Alene for all-state Choir. I am nervous. I'm dreading it. And I don't know why. I've left home before, in fact, I've been to Coeur d' Alene before. I'm going to miss having what means most to me with me. I will miss my mom and her kindness, my dad and his example of hard work, my sisters and their sense of humor.
This is why we have the miracle of eternity. The spirit I felt in sacrament meeting today, the feeling I get when I choose the right, the feeling I get when I go to the temple, or the feeling I get when I spend time with those that I love, is truly magical. Because of our elder brother, Jesus Christ, we are able to be with our families forever. And I am 'eternally' grateful.


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