Holy Moly!

It is August 1! (See above.)

I can't believe it. In 30 more days, I will be going to my first day of highschool. Holy junk...I'm nervous. Yet, I'm excited, and dreading it, and anxiously awaiting it! I have so many emotions going through my head. I can't wait for all of my classes...troylairs, troyplayers, student council, seminary...and I'm dreading others...math, science, english...

You know the flow. Anywho, I need some advice. In highschool, should I try hard to take as many advanced classes as possible so I can get into the college I want, or should I just have fun as a teenager? Tell me what you think! Comment down below!

Lots 'o' Love, Marci

P.S. Excuse the mess in the picture...and my face! :) Teehee


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