
Everyone has dreams...I can honestly say that I have not always had the same dreams. When I was little, I wanted to be a famous singer. Now, I know that that is not for me. However, I still want to be a role model. I want to make an impact in lots of people's lives.

I was watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition one time and they built a house for a family who took in children off the street and taught them to box to keep them away from drugs, and gangs, and just bad influences. Well, this is basically what I want to do, except not with boxing. I want to bring children and teenagers off the street and teach them to sing or to dance or to act. Children can't always change their circumstances, but I want to help them change their attitude about life. Some children don't think that they will ever amount to something. I 've been told my whole life I can do whatever I want. I want all kids to feel that way. I want to save a child's life, or a few. I'm pretty excited, because it's something I can do and still be a mommy! Yay!

What are your dreams? What do you want to do when you grow up? Comment, and tell me about it!



  1. Ohhh, Marci that's so beautiful! That would be so great for kids who don't have everything they want like we do. My dream is to really help kids with depression and eating disorders and stuff like that. I also really, really want to help suicidal kids. :)
    Miss you!
    P.S. It's almost been 20 months since I posted on my other blog (the one from 7th grade). :D

  2. :) So perfect for you. You're the kindest and most caring lady i know. :)


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