Good Tidings of Great Joy

So today I read Luke 2: 1-19. Yes, this is the famous story of Jesus' birth. Have you ever read these verses? I mean, actually READ them?

These verses contain some of the most beautiful verses in the entire standard works.
"For behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy."
"Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth, peace. Good will toward men."

Joy, glory, peace, good tidings. Power words. These words are charged with positive energy. Don't they just make you want to sing?

As much as I love this time of year, (which is a whole flippin' lot) I especially love the power that comes from knowing I have a Savior, Jesus Christ. And this power radiates all year round. 365 days a year. 52 weeks. 12 months.

I was challenged to read these verses tonight (thanks, Mom!) and to think about what it means to me to have a Savior Jesus Christ. What are the good tidings of great joy that I have received because of Him? What good tidings have brought me great joy?

The knowledge of a Savior means that I don't have to be perfect.
The knowledge of a Savior means that I can choose for myself.
The knowledge of a Savior means that I can be with my family forever.
The knowledge of a Savior means that I can experience true happiness.
The knowledge of a Savior means that I don't have to be sad.
The knowledge of a Savior means that I can become like Him, and in turn, live with Him forever.

The knowledge of a Savior means that this life is not the end!
The knowledge of a Savior means that my talents are crucial to the building of God's kingdom.
The knowledge of a Savior means that I can repent.
Because of Him, we can be truly happy.

What good tidings of GREAT Joy, am I right?

What does the knowledge of a Savior mean to you?

Merry Christmas, world. And you can sleep well knowing that we have a Savior.


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