Why It's Okay to Not Be Like Everybody Else

A good friend once said to me, "Ya know, I am so grateful for my knowledge of the Plan of Salvation. Without it, I would feel pressured to get married RIGHT NOW or to serve a mission. But because I know my Savior lives and loves me, I know that He has a plan for me. And I don't have to feel jealous, because I know the Lord knows what He is doing."

As I've pondered on my friend's perspective, I've had to consider my place in His Plan. I want to serve a mission, yet I'm still living at home with my parents. I want to get married, but I still think that boys have cooties. So what am I doing with my life? Am I even making a difference?

Sometimes I like to victimize myself and think, "if only I had money, then I could make a difference". If I were under different circumstances, then my life would be better. If I didn't have to work, then I would have more time on my hands to do the things that really matter.

Sometimes I get jealous of other people. All my friends are serving missions - how come it was right for them to go on missions right now? How come it isn't right for me? It seems like everybody is dating or getting married - how come that's not me? They get to travel to Europe - how come I'm trapped in Smalltown, Idaho?

Let's put these things into perspective: I may not be serving a mission, but I still serve the Lord. I'm Relief Society President - that's one thing my friends haven't done. I'm not dating anybody, but I'm learning to work on my weaknesses and learn more about myself. I'm not travelling to far-away places, but I get to play with my nieces and nephews several times a week. That works for me.

I know that the Lord has something great in store for me. I can't even imagine what awaits for me. I don't need to be like everybody else to make a difference. The Lord knows my heart, my weaknesses, my desires, my strengths. One day I'll learn to recognize my gifts and be able to use them to build God's Kingdom. If I were on a mission right now, I wouldn't know or love the girls in my Relief Society. I wouldn't get to feel of the love that radiates from my bishopric. I wouldn't be learning how to get along with my sister, or how to use my time wisely while being a full-time student, part-time employee, and Relief Society President.

One day I may get the chance to leave the nest and do something beyond my comfort "bubble". But until then I will go and do.


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