Angel Lullaby

Today brought back one of my favorite memories. Growing up, my mom always sang. She has a beautiful voice. One of my favorite things when I was little was when my mom would sing to me as I was falling asleep. She sang this song that I had to look up the title for, because I always referred to it as "The Angel Song". Though the proper title is "Angel Lullaby", I think my made-up title wasn't too far off from how I feel about my mom. I wish I could upload a link of my memory, but since that technology hasn't been invented yet, here's the lyrics:

"You came from a land where all is light
to a world half day and a world half night.
To guide you by day, you have my love,
To guard you by night, your friends above.

So sleep, sleep, till the darkness ends,
guarded by your angel friends.
So sleep, sleep, till the darkness ends,
guarded by your angel friends.

There's one stands softly by your bed
and another sits close with a hand on your head.
There's one at the window watching for the dawn,
and one waits to wake you when the night is gone.

So sleep, sleep, till the darkness ends,
guarded by your angel friends.
So sleep, sleep, till the darkness ends,
guarded by your angel friends."

This was my favorite lullaby because I always pictured angels around me helping me sleep. To be honest, I do believe in angels. And I do believe that Heavenly Father sends people to help us during our times of darkness. But they may not always be angels from the other side. I think, especially in my case, that sometimes, the only angel you need is your mom.

My mom is an angel. I know growing up that my mom was always the one I went to when I was sad. My mom was the one who instilled my divine nature in me. Because of her, I know that I am a child of God - a princess, born to do great things. Because of my mom, I get a hug every single day, even if I want one or not. Because of my mom, I am allowed to cry - and she hurts with me when I'm sad. Because of my mom, I can sing as loudly as I want. Because of my mom, I had a safe place to come home to when the day was done. Because of my mom, I can do hard things and figure out problems as they come. Because of my mom, I know and love the scriptures. Because of my mom, I had a friend when no one at school wanted to be. Because of my mom, when I did get friends, she made them feel loved and important. She made our house a safe and fun place for me and my friends to gather. Because of my mom, I have an extreme love for sloppy joes and family dance parties.

Because of my mom, I have a deep love for my Savior Jesus Christ. Because of my mom I understand the importance of prayer and scriptures to keep us safe from the adversary.

Because of my mom, I love my family and I get to be with them forever.

So yes. You could say that my mom is an angel. She's by my side, on the sidelines, in the audience, waiting up for me when I get home, and in my mind and heart daily.

I love my mom and I know that Heavenly Father loves my mom and is proud of who she is.

I can't wait to fulfill my divine nature and be a mother someday. Some days I get so excited to be a mother, I can't stand it! But until then, I'll keep on learning and becoming like my angel mother.


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