To My Best Friends,

I have some thoughts for you. Let me take a minute and express gratitude to you for the amazing, wonderful, influential people you are.

When I was in Jr. High, I did not have any friends. I wasn't bullied necessarily, and people were usually always kind to me, but I just didn't have any special connections with anyone. I so desired to have a friend, and cried myself to sleep every night not knowing who I was going to talk to or sit with that day. During that low time in my life, I learned some things. I learned that my family will always be there. I learned that I am strong, even if I stand alone. I learned that I have a friend in my Savior Jesus Christ. Though that year and a half in my life was hard, I wouldn't trade it for anything because of those relationships I established with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and my family.

To Ashlee,
You are the friend I was blessed with and promised in a Father's blessing at the beginning of my freshmen year. Though our friendship's beginning was peculiar, we are the best of friends! I have more love in my heart for you than I do for anyone else besides my family. You have taught me so many things: how to make goals, how to listen to the Spirit, how to have fun, and when to focus on what is really important in life. You are a diligent daughter, sister, friend, student, and employee, and I know you will be a diligent missionary. I know you will change so many lives, because you've already changed mine.

To Chelsea,
What a delight you are. Some of my greatest spiritual experiences and growth has been because of your example to me. You are an example of kindness, tenderness, love, and joy. You have never said an unkind thing to anyone and it is exactly what I need in my life. You have done some incredibly hard things in your life and handled them with grace. You are about to go do the hardest thing of your life, and yet again, you amaze me with your faith in Jesus Christ and His ability to strengthen, protect, and heal. You are a person filled with gratitude who always sees the beauty in every person and every thing. I know that you are on your way to being a beautiful mother in Zion.

To Diana,
You have been blessed, Diana, with many things. Talents, family, testimony, humor, and light. You have always been an example of finding joy in everything. I have never seen you angry, upset, or even sad. You are a kind, humorous example of obedience which doesn't go unnoticed. Your ability to uplift, cheer, laugh, and move forward is a strength to all you come in contact with. And though you aren't leaving for a while, I know your talents and support from family will prove to be very useful to you while you are serving the Lord. Thanks for your friendship, listening ear, and ability to smile through trials.

To Mommy,
You have always been my best friend since the day I was born. I always know that I can talk to you about anything - seriously. You're my biggest supporter, my biggest teacher, and you have the capacity to love more than anyone I know. Thanks for allowing me to do hard things, but helping me when I couldn't stand it anymore. I am grateful for the sacrifices you have made for our family, especially when it was difficult for you. I am grateful for your glowing testimony and that you share it often. I am grateful for your example of prayer and praying for absolutely everything. You are the best, and I am so grateful to know you.

To my Savior, Jesus Christ,
You are the light of the world. And I have partaken of that light and know the sweet peace that comes from following it. I am grateful for your example of kindness, love, service, courage, and sacrifice. I know that I am nothing - but with you I can do anything. I am grateful for the relationship we have and for the knowledge that you know exactly how I feel. I'm sad that my earthly friends are leaving me, but I know that if you could get me through a year and a half of loneliness before, you can and will get me through a year and a half of loneliness again. Thanks for instilling faith in my life, and giving me a reason to live. I know that with you, I don't have to be afraid.

To the Moon and Back,
Marci ♥


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