What the Gospel of Jesus Christ Means to Me
Life is hard. There are things that happen daily that could get me stressed, anxious, discouraged, or worried. But because of what I know to be true, it leaves me with a hope that everything is going to be okay. Hope is a word that is often misunderstood. Hope often denotes a worry or a struggle that, "[I] hope ______ works out." Hope, however, is much stronger than a wish. Hope is trust- hope is faith - that God knows what is best. Hope is an action word, a verb that signifies your ability to trust in a powerful being. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints is a Christian based faith that is in many ways similar to other churches based upon Christ. We believe in faith, good works, baptism, and grace just like many others do. Our church, however, is different in the way that it focuses on not only the individual, but the family. Because our church is lead by Jesus Christ, we need a mouthpiece, a spokesman if you will, to teach us what God and His Son w...