An Experiment of Kindness

Today, being a Sunday, I had some down time. In this down time, I read out of the LDS Living magazine. There was one article in there that really struck a chord with me. It was titled, "An Experiment of Kindness." It's about a lady who, during the holiday season, decided to try harder to be kinder with everyone and to go out of her way to serve people. This experiment proved extremely successful and actually changed her, as well as those she served, outlook on life.

She told an experience with a lunch lady who cooked at the cafeteria where she worked. This lady had frizzy hair, and she never smiled, and was the butt of a lot of jokes. A lot of people hated her because, frankly, she was a grumpy old lady. So, she decided to make this lady's day. She went through the line, paid for her lunch, and on top of that, gave her a tip. The lunch asked, "what's that for?" The woman said, "It's a tip. I know people don't thank you enough, but I just wanted to thank you for making our food everyday. I know they don't pay you enough." As she did this, she noticed others started doing the same. The woman smiled. She had never seen her smile.
             The next day, the woman had painted her fingernails. So she complimented her on them. The next day she wore lipstick. And the next day she did her hair. Everyone who ate in that cafeteria eventually felt remorse for all the mean things they had said to her. Later, that lunch lady came up to that woman and thanked her for being so kind to her. She had gone through a hard time recently, with her husband leaving her and her mom passing away, and her sister getting cancer. She thanked her for letting her know there was still good in the world. That's a huge gift to give to someone. For someone who was so depressed, a small gesture like this meant the world.
As I read this it got me thinking. There are so many life lessons we can take from this article.

1) Kindness is a chain reaction. One kind gesture makes the whole world want to join in! What the world needs now is love. ♥

2) Kindness and beauty and self-esteem are intertwined. Because this woman was nice to that lunch lady, the lady made herself more beautiful on the inside and out. And I'm sure it improved the self-esteem of the giver, as well as the receiver.

3) There is still good in the world. If we just look for it, we WILL find it! Along with that, there is good in every person. If we are just kind and look for the good in someone, no matter how difficult, we will find it.

4) Love speaks louder than hate. Love will always win.

So, as a resolution to always improve myself, I have decided that for the month of December, I am going to have a Service Journal. I am calling it my Kindness Project. I am going to pray daily for guidance to find someone to serve, and do it! I am going to strive to be kinder and to go out of my way to lend a helping hand, or a listening ear. This is my goal. I am going to report it to YOU daily. (Or as often as possible. :)) Let's kill 'em with kindness!


  1. I love this. It's funny, because I had actually wanted our Troyplayer motto this year to be Kill them with Kindness. At least one of us is on that track! You're wonderful, Marci.

  2. My theme for myself this year is "...that they might know that we knew Christ." I forgot about it until recently. It's Jacob 4:4. I think this is the best way to do that. Thanks, Jess. I just love you.


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