Martin's Cove?

So...Martin's Cove is this week. I'm excited, but I must say...I'm mostly nervous. I've never been, so I don't know what to expect. I know it will be a good experience, and I know that i'll walk away (no pun intended) a better person.

I was told today that a member of our stake presidency has been praying for adversity on this trek. I know that there must be a trial before the testimony, but I guess knowing this just adds on to my fear. I know I'll be okay, and that I'll survive. But sometimes I just wish that it could be easier. I barely survived the hike at girls camp, so I don't know how I'll be able to handle 10 miles. I am so afraid, and I don't want to hold my family back. I don't want to be on the sick bus. I want to be able to sing and be happy as I walk.

I guess I wouldn't make a very good pioneer. I don't know if I'd have the faith to make all those sacrifices for a religion. But often, the pioneers sacrificed family and friends, and often their lives. Can I sacrifice my shower, my home, and my mom for a few short days? The pioneers sacrificed a lot more than I am.

I guess I'll just go forth and make the best of the situation. I'll walk into it with a positive attitude, and walk out with an even stronger testimony.

Wish me luck!


  1. We will do it together and I have so much faith in you :) No matter what we will make the best of things.


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