Day 1 of 20-Day Journal Challenge

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Lately I've had a strong desire to receive the gift of revelation and acquire and stronger relationship with my Heavenly Father. And I thought an easy way to do this would be to set aside 30 min- 1 hr every day to just listen. To read my scriptures, pray, write in my journal, and just feel the Spirit. So this month, I am going to strive to set aside this "quiet time". I'm so excited. I can't wait to finally feel like I pray, and get an answer. My mom's really good at that.

Today in YW, we talked about journaling and were given a 20-day challenge. So I think that this'll be good. I need to get back into the habit again.

*Day #1: Write About Your Day*
Pretty simple. :D

I love Sundays. Woke up, got ready, no makeup (I hate makeup. I don't even wear it in the summertime.) Went to church. Fast and testimony meeting. I LOVE testimony meetings. And I don't know why, but the Spirit always prompts me to bear my testimony - every time. But I love it!

Anyways, so Sunday School was alright. Better than usual, I suppose. My teachers are really smart, but they. are. so. BORING! I try really really hard to get something out of it - and today, I think I might've succeeded? YW was REALLY good. Patty taught the lesson - it was combined - and she did a really good job and had it all decorated cute 'n' junk. She's a cute lady.

There was a visitor today, visiting Billie Jo Blackson. Her name is Sapphire, but she goes by Sassy. I think that is the coolest name! And excuse to be SASSY - 100% of the time.

Then after church we dinner and cleaned up a little. Tyler and Paige, Rett and Tish, and Grandma came to dinner. SO GOOD. It was like Costa Vida - like food. Tasty. Then we all just kinda sat around and talked/played games for a few hours.

We totally planned 2 vacations that may or may not ever happen. ha ha. Then Tyler and Paige went home, and I practiced for songs I'm gonna sing on July 4th in Menan. Still haven't decided. Then Lincoln and Enoch came over. Then they left right as their mom and Dave and Harmony came. Peggy helped me with some songs and we all just kinda chilled...(remove this sentence, because I don't know how certain people would feel about me sharing this...:D) Then...LANCE AND JILL AND NOAH AND BRIGHAM came over from Provo! Played with Noah and Brig for a li'l. And then had  family prayer and went to bed. ha ha. Pretty eventful, right?

Oh, and I got a compliment from a BOY today. :D A new family moved into the ward and the girl was having a hard time, and after I got up to bear my testimony, her brother leaned over and was like, "now that's a girl worth stayin' for". He's pretty cute, too! end...

Today I am Grateful For....
  • good food
  • family, friends, good example that are numberless
  • my ward
  • testimonies
  • music
  • laughter
  • my talents
  • the gospel/ the Spirit
  • my confidence
  • the scriptures
  • answered prayers! YEEAH!
  • pink pens, (I mean, how cool?) *NOTE*: I write with a pink pen in my journal, just FYI
  • my mommy :D
  • and now, I am grateful for sleep. Goodnight.


  1. Marci...10 words. I LOVE YOU & You are such an example to me! :)


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