Just Listen
Lately I've been thinking a lot about the world we live in. It's so noisy, with all the unimportant things we claim are necessary. Some of these things, whether they be Facebook, making money, or just sleeping are good- if done with moderation. Isn't that true with most things? We spend so much time with these inessential things, that we don't have time for the things that really matter. Sometimes I get so caught up with these things that I don't have to time to progress. I kinda stay in the same place, same time, and I justify it with-"oh, I'm just too busy." and then I justify further and say, "well, I'm doing my best. I'm a good person!" when really, all it takes is a few short minutes to JUST LISTEN. Allow for the spirit to speak to me so that I continue to move forward, and become better everyday. So as my goal for the month of July, I am going to find time to just listen, so that I can live up to my potential.