The Music is All Around Us. All you have to do is Listen.

Kudos if you can guess what movie that's from!
I've decided I'm going to start my "The Music is All Around Us" series. I will do one a week. It will be about things that I have "Listened" to during the week that make my heart sing. You may join in if you want. So for my very first "The Music is All Around Us" episode:
*I got a letter from my brother yesterday. All of his letters are so uplifting and not to mention HILARIOUS.
*We had a game night with my brother and sister and sister-in-law and cousins yesterday. We played the Wii and it was a ton of fun.
*My school clothes are adorable...
*I'm getting a haircut soon!
*I'm beginning to understand the scriptures is such an amazing testimony-builder.
*My mom bought August Rush (gold star if you knew that the title of this post is from that movie!)
*I'm gonna take voice lessons...:)
Comment or post on your blog about things in your life that makes your heart sing!


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