10 Reasons Why I Love...

mowing. As in grass. I know, it's hard to believe, but it's actually not that bad.
  1. I get to be out in the sun and get tan, tan, tan...
  2. I don't have to do housework.
  3. I get paid...it's more money than I've ever had. I'm getting a head start on my Troylairs trip for next year!
  4. It's kinda like driving a Go Kart...only slower...still, it's kinda entertaining.
  5. A shower never felt so good...
  6. I get time alone...to think about whatever I want.
  7. I can sing at the top of my lungs (most of the time) and nobody...including myself, will hear me! YAHOO!
  8. It's kinda cool to see all the different headstones.
  9. You get to figure out how old the person was when they died or things like that. I usually hate math, but you gotta do somethin'!
  10. You get to look at all the unique names and then think about names you want to name your future children. (This is the real reason why I wanted to post this! :)) Here's my list:
  • Lilliana May (Lilly...favorite)
  • Daisy Rae
  • Chloe Faye
  • Camilla Kay (Cami)
  • Lola Shay
  • I also like the names Jane and Grace, but I couldn't figure out middle names...
  • David Tyler
  • Joshua Lance
  • Michael Rett
  • Mitch Parker (Parker...there's already a Mitch in the family)
  • Benjamin Keith
(all of the boys' names are named after a boy in my family...Keith, Lance, Rett, Tyler, Mitch) Tell me what names you like! I know...I have weird taste! Oh...P.S. My sister comes home from her mission on Thursday! WHOO HOO!


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