Life Should Be A Party!

This is going to be an emotional week for me. My brother, the one who always makes us laugh, is leaving on a 2-year mission. I'm excited for him, but we are all going to miss him. I'm glad he's going and I'm proud of his decision. He will be an exceptional missionary.

I'm also going to Girls Camp this week...I will be so exhausted and it will be a blast!

I'll be going from an extreme high to an extreme low, but I am very grateful.

Life is a party! Without sadness, there would be no happiness. I'm glad I am capable of feeling emotions. I have a family to get me through, and many other outlets, like blogging and music. I am glad. Life should be a party!


  1. Oh marci! I'm so sorry! What a bittersweet moment. Everyone is so proud of him and you will all be blessed by this. :) Best of luck!


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