
Showing posts from June, 2011

Life Should Be A Party!

This is going to be an emotional week for me. My brother, the one who always makes us laugh, is leaving on a 2-year mission. I'm excited for him, but we are all going to miss him. I'm glad he's going and I'm proud of his decision. He will be an exceptional missionary. I'm also going to Girls Camp this week...I will be so exhausted and it will be a blast! I'll be going from an extreme high to an extreme low, but I am very grateful. Life is a party! Without sadness, there would be no happiness. I'm glad I am capable of feeling emotions. I have a family to get me through, and many other outlets, like blogging and music. I am glad. Life should be a party!

Best Friends

I just like this picture. My friends! Minus a few... I don't know what I'd do without my friends. They make my life worthwhile. They're so nonjudgmental and they love me for me. I had the funnest time with them on Saturday at Kolby's house...playing Rambo. Memories. They're basically the only reason I enjoy school! HAHA.

To My Daddy

I didn't get the chance to tell you how much you mean to me yesterday, and I don't have a gift, so a note will have to suffice. I love you dad. You are the nicest man I know. Whenever I think about my dad, I think of a kind person. I think of a person who never leaves a job unfinished. I think of a man who is a hard worker, but also loves playing with his family. I think of a well-groomed person, who likes to look nice in public and at home. I think of a presider, a provider, and a protector. I also see someone with a great sense of humor and makes me laugh. I appreciate your patience and your love towards all of us. I am so glad you honor your priesthood and take us to church every week. I'm so grateful for all the lessons you've taught me. I have learned a lot from you, like how to work, to be kind, to be patient, and to walk away from a bad situation. Thanks for giving me the best life ever! Thanks for always giving the best hugs ever! I lo...

*sigh*...what a relief!

So you know those times where you do something really stupid without thinking about it first? Well, I do this practically on a daily basis and I think, "Will I ever learn?" There is ALWAYS a consequence , and it's usually just a TON OF GUILT. On the other hand, you know the guilt feeling, but don't you just love the feeling of having a burden being lifted off of your shoulders and you forgive yourself because the person who you hurt forgave you? Yeah...I dig that feeling. I just felt that feeling today. I feel great!


I updated the family blog! Check it out at!

Email Address

I got a new email address! Comment if you want it!

Dear Future Husband,

I think about you a lot. I wonder who you are, what you look like, and what you're like. All I know is that you're my best friend, and I know I can tell you anything. I know our life together won't be perfect, but we'll be able to work it out. I'm glad we are so much alike. I'm glad we have the same interests. We have differences, but that's what will keep us together. I know that you respect me and you will support me in all that I desire, and I will do the same for you. I know that you will provide for our family, and preside, and protect us. I'm very grateful you're good with children, and want a big family! I'm so glad that you served a faithful mission and you love the gospel and are worthy to take me to the temple. I'm so glad you got your Eagle Scout and Duty to God awards. I love how you treat your mother and my mother. I love how you treat women, in general, especially my sisters. I love how you love my family and love being wi...