
So...lately, I've had a rough time deciding what to blog about. I've learned that pictures are so annoying, because we are running out of space on our only if absolutely necessary :)

Now...I am just goint to type and whatever "jibberish" comes out of my fingers is what you'll be reading, whether it's entertaining or not.

Well, Crystal's graduated, but she still is partying like no other! She went on 2 dates in the past 2 days, with 2 different people! Talk about popular!

I met my new nephew, Brigham today! He is such a precious baby! So cute.

I'm going to a sweet 16 birthday party tomorrow! This makes me excited for my birthday in 8 months...when I turn 16! Can you believe it? I'm already planning this thing. Desperate? Yes.

My adorable nephew, Noah is 2 and is talking like crazy and has the cutest laugh!

We went to Broulim's today...I haven't been there in a while. And we got 4 different kinds of icecream. Yum! 

I'm so incredibly bored...somebody should plan a cool little party soon. Or somebody should take me shopping. I'm out of clothes. Teehee

I need to socialize...we've been out of school for a week, and I'm incredibly...uh...zzzz

We put up flags at the cemetery today for Memorial Day! Glad it's done. It's so annoying.

My mom came home this week! YAY! Life without a mother is utterly disgusting! cousin got first at high jump. He did last year too.

We're bird sitting, right now. I don't recommend it.

Sorry for this random post. My life is seriously so boring right now! Somebody should create something exciting! TEE HEE



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