My Favorite...

Music, musicians, songs, lyrics, etc!! Music is my's proven that music makes you smarter, too! Seriously! I love music and so I decided it was a blog-worthy post! Make sure you pause my playlist! I know this is a lot of music...but you can listen to it over a long period of time if you want!

David Archuleta. Why? Well...for one, he's a really good kid, secondly he sings clean, positive, upbeat songs that make you feel good, and three, he has so much SOUL and PASSION! His music is not like everyone else's!
  • "Complain" - This song has a powerful message. You'll see. My favorite lyrics are: "But as long as I'm breathin', baby I can't complain". It's true! Check it out here: 
 Sara Bareilles. I am in total awe of her. She has SO much talent. I heard somewhere that she never had a music lesson in her life...she learned the piano all by herself. I wish I could do that. She has a beautiful voice and as a musician, she is one my role models.
  • Gravity is one my favorites, but it's already on my playlist. "Bottle It Up"- Check this music video out! I love her piano skills!
Mindy Gledhill. She is a new favorite. I honestly didn't know who she was until just recently. (Thanks Whitney!) I love her style of music. I've learned that acoustic, simple music is my favorite. I love the style, I love the melody, I love the message, I love her!
  • "Whole Wide World"- A new favorite! It's so cute! Listen here:
Michael Buble. I love his voice...LOVE IT! He has such a smooth, powerful voice that I fall in love with over and over again. Every song hits me straight in the heart, because he's such a good musician.
  • "Everything"- If my future husband can sing this to me, I'll be content. Favorite lyrics: "And I get to kiss you baby because I can!" What a good lookin' man!:
Josh Groban. I could fall asleep to his voice every night. He is so soothing and relaxing. It makes my heart melt. *sigh*
  • This song is so beautiful. Please. Enjoy "To Where You Are" by Josh Groban. "A breath away's not far to where you are".
Michael Jackson/Jackson 5.  Oh yeah! I could dance to his music all day. He is a musical genius. I love it.
  • Try listening to this song with at least tapping your foot! "Blame it on the Boogie":
Whether it be a hymn, a love song, a dance song, or just an instrumental, music affects me. Music is a language I can understand. 

"...Music can be so much more than just entertainment. It can be an act of communion, a dialogue in sound, sacred or soulful, happy or sad, intense or soothing; it can cover the entire spectrum of human emotions." -David Archuleta 


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