
Showing posts from January, 2017

The Analogy of the Garbage Removal

*Disclaimer: I did not create this analogy. This was taken from a book entitled Finding Joy in Family Life by H. Wallace Goddard. There was a woman with a filthy house. There was garbage ceiling to floor, animal feces on the floor, the odor was horrific. Furniture was stained with rotten food, and surfaces were covered in a sticky substance. The task of cleaning up the garbage was monumental. The thought of attempting to clean was overwhelming and discouraging. There were many civil workers at her home to help her clean, because the waste was an extreme hazard. Even though the smell was terrible, and the task enormous, the woman accepted the help to clean her home. We all have our own garbage. For me, I can spend hours and hours on YouTube and Facebook but it's hard for me to take 15 minutes to read my scriptures, or 30 minutes to exercise. I feel badly for not doing more - serving more, loving more, forgiving more, attending the temple more, sharing the gospel more. The other...